[Sql Server] MS SQL 함수
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Base convertion
DECTON(i1, i2) Converts a decimal number i1 to base i2. Input: INT, INT; Output: VARCHAR(255)
DECTOHEX(i) Converts a decimal number i to hexadecimal. Input: INT; Output: VARCHAR(255)
DECTOBIN(i) Converts a decimal number i to binary. Input: INT; Output: VARCHAR(255)
DECTOOCT(i) Converts a decimal number i to octal. Input: INT; Output: VARCHAR(255)
NTODEC(s, i) Converts a number s on base i to decimal. Input: VARCHAR(255), INT; Output: INT
HEXTODEC(s) Converts an hexadecimal number to decimal. Input: VARCHAR(255); Output: INT
BINTODEC(s) Converts a binary number to decimal. Input: VARCHAR(255); Output: INT
OCTTODEC(s) Converts an octal number to decimal. Input: VARCHAR(255); Output: INT
A2ROMAN(i) Converts an arabic numeral to roman, as a string. Input: INT; Output: VARCHAR(20)
ROMAN2A(s) Converts an roman numeral to arabic. Input: VARCHAR(20); Output: INT
COMBIN(b1, b2) Returns the number of combinations for a given number of objects. Input: BIGINT, BIGINT; Output: BIGINT
ARR(b1, b2) Returns the number of arrangements for a given number of objects. Input: BIGINT, BIGINT; Output: BIGINT
FACT(b) Returns the factorial of a number. Input: BIGINT; Output: BIGINT
FACTDOUBLE(f) Returns the double factorial of a number. Input: FLOAT; Output: FLOAT
SUMSEQ(b) Returns the nth triangle number which is the summation from 1 to b. Input: BIGINT; Output: BIGINT
FIBONACCI(b) Returns the nth Fibonacci series for a given number b. Input: BIGINT; Output: BIGINT
LOGN(f1, f2) Returns the logarithm (base f2) of f1. Input: FLOAT, FLOAT; Output: FLOAT
LOG2(f) Returns the logarithm (base 2) of f. Input: FLOAT; Output: FLOAT
GCD(i1, i2) Returns the greatest common divisor of 2 numbers. Input: INT, INT; Output: INT
LCM(i1, i2) Returns the least common multiple of 2 numbers. Input: INT, INT; Output: INT
CUBE(f) Returns the cube of the given expression. Input: FLOAT; Output: FLOAT
NROOT(f1, f2) Returns the root f2 of a number f1. Input: FLOAT, FLOAT; Output: FLOAT
SQRTPI(f) Returns the square root of (f * Pi). Input: FLOAT; Output: FLOAT
DISTANCE(f1,f2,f3,f4) Returns the distance between 2 points P(f1, f2) to T(f3, f4). Input: FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT; Output: FLOAT
SLOPE(f1,f2,f3,f4) Returns the slope of a line define by 2 points P(f1, f2) and T(f3, f4). Input: FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT; Output: FLOAT
DIVI(i1, i2, i3) Returns the result of the division of i1 by i2 with precision i3 (Infinite precision division). Input: INT, INT, INT; Output: VARCHAR(5000)
NINT(f) Rounds a number to the nearest integer. Input: FLOAT; Output: INT
TRUNC(f) Returns a number truncated to an integer. Input: FLOAT; Output: INT
FRAC(f) Returns the decimal part of a number. Input: FLOAT; Output: FLOAT
MIN2(i1, i2) Returns the smallest of 2 numbers. Input: INT, INT; Output: INT
MIN3(i1, i2, i3) Returns the smallest of 3 numbers. Input: INT, INT, INT; Output: INT
MAX2(i1, i2) Returns the largest of 2 numbers. Input: INT, INT; Output: INT
MAX3(i1, i2, i3) Returns the largest of 3 numbers. Input: INT, INT, INT; Output: INT
INC(i) Returns a number incremented by 1. Input: INT; Output: INT
DEC(i) Returns a number decremented by 1. Input: INT; Output: INT
PHI() Returns phi, the "golden ratio". Output: FLOAT
E() Returns e, Natural Logarithmic Base. Output: FLOAT
PERFNUMBER(i) Returns the nth perfect number. Input: INT; Output: INT
SUMALIQUOT(i) Returns the sum of all aliquots from i. Input: INT; Output: INT
INITCAP(s) Returns a string with the first letter of each word in uppercase, all other letters in lowercase (capitalize first character). Input: VARCHAR(255); Output: VARCHAR(255)
PROPERCASE(s) Returns a string with the first letter of each word at the beginning of a sentence in uppercase, all other letters in lowercase. Input: VARCHAR(255); Output: VARCHAR(255)
INCLUDED(s1 ,s2) Returns how many times a string s1 is included (occurs) into s2. Input: VARCHAR(255), VARCHAR(255); Output: INT
TRANSLATE(s1, s2, s3) Returns a string with all occurrences of each character in another one replaced by its corresponding character in a third one. Input: VARCHAR(255), VARCHAR(255), VARCHAR(255); Output: VARCHAR(255)
RPAD(s1, I, s2) Returns a string s1 right-padded to length i with a sequence of characters s2. Input: VARCHAR(255), INT, VARCHAR(255); Output: VARCHAR(255)
LPAD(s1, I, s2) Returns a string s1 left-padded to length i with a sequence of characters s2. Input: VARCHAR(255), INT, VARCHAR(255); Output: VARCHAR(255)
VAL(s) Returns a numeric value from a string, it is the opposite of STR. Input: VARCHAR(255); Output: FLOAT
NUMBERTOWORDS(i) Returns the number as English words. Input: INT; Output: VARCHAR(255)
MORSE(s) Returns the morse code corresponding to string s. Input: VARCHAR(255); Output: VARCHAR(255)
FROMMORSE(s) Returns the text corresponding to a morse code string s. Input: VARCHAR(255); Output: VARCHAR(255)
CHARINDEXREV(s1, s2) Returns the position of an occurrence of string s2 within s1, from the end of string. Input: VARCHAR(255), VARCHAR(255); Output: INT
EBCDIC2ASCII(s) Converts a string from EBCDIC to ASCII. Input: VARCHAR(255); Output: VARCHAR(255)
ASCII2EBCDIC(s) Converts a string from ASCII to EBCDIC. Input: VARCHAR(255); Output: VARCHAR(255)
TRIM(s) Returns a string removing spaces at both ends. Input: VARCHAR(255); Output: VARCHAR(255)
WRAP(s, i) Returns a string s wrapped in blocks of i characters. Input: VARCHAR(255), INT; Output: VARCHAR(255)
UNWRAP(s) Returns a string removing all wrapping. Input: VARCHAR(255); Output: VARCHAR(255)
REWRAP(s, i) Returns a string s wrapped in blocks of i characters , removing previous wrapping. Input: VARCHAR(255), INT; Output: VARCHAR(255)
LEVENSHTEIN(s1, s2) Returns the Levenshtein Distance between strings s1 and s2. Input: VARCHAR(255), VARCHAR(255); Output: INT
STRIPL(s) Returns the left side of half of the string. Input: VARCHAR(255); Output: VARCHAR(255)
STRIPR(s) Returns the right side of half of the string. Input: VARCHAR(255); Output: VARCHAR(255)
XORCHAR(s,t) Returns a string encrypted/decrypted with numeric key t, 0<t<255 ( XOR encryption ). Input: VARCHAR(255), TINYINT; Output: VARCHAR(255)
CRYPTX8 (s1,s2) Returns a string s1 encrypted/decrypted with key s2, up to 8 chars ( XOR encryption ). Input: VARCHAR(1024), VARCHAR(8); Output: VARCHAR(1024)
IPOCTECT(s, I) Returns an octect i (1-4) from an IP. Input: VARCHAR(15), INT; Output: VARCHAR(3)
WORDCOUNT(s) Returns the number of words from string s. Input: VARCHAR(255); Output: INT
ADD_MONTHS(d, i) Returns the date d plus i months. Input: DATETIME, INT; Output: DATETIME
MONTHS_BETWEEN(d1, d2) Returns number of months between dates d1 and d2. Input: DATETIME, DATETIME; Output: INT
LAST_DAY(d) Returns the date of the last day of the month that contains d. Input: DATETIME; Output: DATETIME
NEXT_DAY(d, i) Returns the date of the first weekday named by n (Sunday = 1, Saturday = 7) that is later than the date d. Input: DATETIME, INT; Output: DATETIME
DDATE(d) Returns the date from d. Input: DATETIME; Output: VARCHAR(255)
DTIME(d) Returns the time from d. Input: DATETIME; Output: VARCHAR(255)
GREGORIAN2HIJRI(d) Returns the date FROM Gregorian into Hijri calendar. Input: DATETIME; Output: NCHAR
HIJRI2GREGORIAN(d) Returns the date FROM Hijri into Gregorian calendar. Input: DATETIME; Output: DATETIME
Comparison, validation
IIF(b, v1, v2) Returns one of two parts, depending on the evaluation of an expression. Input: BIT, SQL_VARIANT, SQL_VARIANT; Output: SQL_VARIANT
VALIDIP(s) Returns true if the string is a valid IP. Input: VARCHAR(15); Output: BIT
VALIDEMAIL(s) Returns true if the string is a valid email address. Input: VARCHAR(255); Output: BIT
VALIDZIP(s) Returns true if the string is a valid zip code. Input: VARCHAR(255); Output: BIT
VALIDZIP9(s) Returns true if the string is a valid zip code 5+4. Input: VARCHAR(255); Output: BIT
ISBIN(s) Returns true if the string is a valid binary number. Input: VARCHAR(255); Output: BIT
ISHEX(s) Returns true if the string is a valid hexadecimal number. Input: VARCHAR(255); Output: BIT
ISOCT(s) Returns true if the string is a valid octal number. Input: VARCHAR(255); Output: BIT
ISROMAN(s) Returns true if the string is a valid Roman numeral. Input: VARCHAR(255); Output: BIT
ISINTNUMBER(s) Returns true if the string is a valid integer number. Input: VARCHAR(255); Output: BIT
ISINTPOSNUMBER(s) Returns true if the string is a valid positive integer number. Input: VARCHAR(255); Output: BIT
ISNUMBER(s) Returns true if the string is a valid number. Input: VARCHAR(255); Output: BIT
ISPOSNUMBER(s) Returns true if the string is a valid positive number. Input: VARCHAR(255); Output: BIT
ISLETTER(s) Returns true if the string has only letters. Input: VARCHAR(255); Output: BIT
ISALPHA(s) Returns true if the string has valid alphanumeric characters. Input: VARCHAR(255); Output: BIT
ISITNULL(v) Returns true if the input is null. Input: SQL_VARIANT; Output: BIT
ISEMPTY(v) Returns true if the input is an empty string. Input: SQL_VARIANT; Output: BIT
ISEVEN(i) Returns true if the number is even. Input: INT; Output: BIT
ISODD(i) Returns true if the number is odd. Input: INT; Output: BIT
ISNEG(i) Returns true if the number is negative. Input: INT; Output: BIT
PALINDROME(i) Returns true if the number is a palindrome. Input: INT; Output: BIT
PALINDROMEW(s) Returns true if the string is a palindrome. Input: VARCHAR(255); Output: BIT
PENTIUMBUG() Returns true if the Pentium (early versions) bug is present. Output: BIT
ISPERFNUM(i) Returns true if the number is perfect. Input: INT; Output: BIT
ISDEFNUM(i) Returns true if the number is deficient. Input: INT; Output: BIT
ISABUNDNUM(i) Returns true if the number is abundant. Input: INT; Output: BIT
ISPRIME(i) Returns true if the number is prime. Input: INT; Output: BIT
SHIFTLEFT(i1, i2) Returns a number shifted to the left. Input: INT, INT; Output: INT
SHIFTRIGHT(i1, i2) Returns a number shifted to the right. Input: INT, INT; Output: INT
GETBIT(i1, i2) Returns the value of a certain bit. Input: INT, INT; Output: INT
SETBIT(i1, i2) Sets the value of a certain bit. Input: INT, INT; Output: INT
RESETBIT(i1, i2) Resets the value of a certain bit. Input: INT, INT; Output: INT
IMPLIES(i1, i2) Returns the result of a logical formal implication. Input: INT, INT; Output: INT
EQUIVALENT(i1, i2) Returns the result of a logical formal equivalence. Input: INT, INT; Output: INT
COMPLEMENT1(i) Returns a number's one's complement. Input: INT; Output: INT
COMPLEMENT2(i) Returns a number's two's complement. Input: INT; Output: INT
NAND(i1, i2) Returns the result of a logical negated AND. Input: INT, INT; Output: INT
NOR(i1, i2) Returns the result of a logical negated OR. Input: INT, INT; Output: INT
SEC(f) Returns the trigonometric secant of the given angle (in radians) in the given expression. Input: FLOAT; Output: FLOAT
COSEC(f) Returns the trigonometric cosecant of the given angle (in radians) in the given expression. Input: FLOAT; Output: FLOAT
ACOT(f) Returns the angle in radians whose cotangent is the given float expression (also called arccotangent). Input: FLOAT; Output: FLOAT
ASEC(f) Returns the angle in radians whose secant is the given float expression (also called arcsecant). Input: FLOAT; Output: FLOAT
ACOSEC(f) Returns the angle in radians whose cosecant is the given float expression (also called arccosecant). Input: FLOAT; Output: FLOAT
SINH(f) Returns the hyperbolic sine of a number. Input: FLOAT; Output: FLOAT
COSH(f) Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a number. Input: FLOAT; Output: FLOAT
TANH(f) Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a number. Input: FLOAT; Output: FLOAT
SECH(f) Returns the hyperbolic secant of a number. Input: FLOAT; Output: FLOAT
COSECH(f) Returns the hyperbolic cosecant of a number. Input: FLOAT; Output: FLOAT
COTH(f) Returns the hyperbolic cotangent of a number. Input: FLOAT; Output: FLOAT
ASINH(f) Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number. Input: FLOAT; Output: FLOAT
ACOSH(f) Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number. Input: FLOAT; Output: FLOAT
ATANH(f) Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number. Input: FLOAT; Output: FLOAT
[출처] [MS-SQL]왠만한 함수 전부 다 있습니다.|작성자 훈이에요
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